• Školský časopis

        • MY FIRST
          • MY FIRST

          • 13.01.2017 09:01
          • Stories

            My first international tournament was in Russia in Petersburg. It was in January 2014 and I was 13 years old. This tournament was a big experience for me I think, because I saw how the world football worked in other countries. There were teams from Russia, Finland, Ukraine, Latvia and many other countries. Of course also a team from Slovakia- MŠK Žilina. As I remember, the first match wasn´t very good for us. We were a bit nervous and very tired from the travelling to Russia. We didn´t sleep well the night before that match, so maybe for that we were nervous. But I think that we should have been more confident then, because next matches we got ourselves together and our power and performance grew up too. Anyway it was a great feeling to play on the tournament like this. I think it´s a dream for all footballers at our age. But tournaments like this aren´t just about football I think. It´s also about fans and good team spirit. We have a lot of funny experiences from there. Except pranks which we did there and playing football, we saw beauties of Petersburg too. It´s a beautiful city thanks to the sights, which it has, but the over all impression of the city wasn´t good for me, because the communism was felt on every step.

                                                                                                                                    Daniel Marčan, II.B


            Since my childhood I have wished to play football and become a Professional football player. I have been always fascinated by kicking the ball and I still remember how I was often playing football in front of my block of flats. My dad enrolled me to a football team called TJ Višňové, where I became a goalkeeper. My first football match took place in 2010 in Zbyňov. I was10 years old. The weather wasn´t favorable and I remember how it was raining. It meant for me a perfect experience, but I didn´t imagine my first football match in that atmosphere. To make things worse, our team lost 5:2. This failure wasn´t happy for us, but since then we have been getting better.

                                                                                                                                            Radka Cibulková, II.B


            One evening I was going back home from my tenis practice. I was right in front of my house front door but suddenly I slipped on a wet step, fell down right on the stairs and hit my head. I was lying on the ground for few seconds. Then I stood up and went home. I had a strong headache. But  I still went to the shower . My mum decided: ,,We're going to hospital, it  might be concussion! Doctors in a surgery said ,that tumble had been hard,but they sent me back home. Next day my headache did‘nt stop. I went to my  general practioner. She sent me to the hospital again. I was very scared, because I had never been in hospital. Unfortunately, I had to stay there. I stayed there for 3 days. I really didn't like that staying in hospital,but health is health...        


                                                                                                                                    Natália Bašťovanská,II.B                                                         

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